Menu Poetry

Autobiography of a Madman


O moon of hope and heartbreak

It is a beak - just that
A goose's beak. It cannot speak
Nor hear, nor talk, nor see
Deaf, dumb and blind thing
It waits for me.

Cows' milk, on pastures
Eyes of owlets, like satellite dishes
And still she misses
Her new-born son
A new life has just begun.

Rocks are my friends
No, let me begin again:

O moon of hope and heartbreak
It is a beak
Just that
A goose's beak
It cannot speak
Nor hear, nor talk, nor see
Still the little demon
Waits for me.

I genuflect unto the stars
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Yet still she misses, those clematis kisses.

Take courage, little one
Time goes slow when you're on the edge
When nature crawls
And patience is the quickest way.

Does anyone know
Where earthworms go?
Where the sea-moths sleep at night?

Life's a spiral staircase
Every floor a different view
Or a down-trodden screw.

So express what you want to express
Don't worry too much about the rest.

All lilies are orange
Salt and pepper don't exist
Prophets are poets
Words are swords
I'm all ash now
My crimson turned to grey
Now I know I love you
Is what I meant to say.

Ch 1 Candles
Ch 2 Caravan
Ch 3 Nefarious
Ch 4 Rampage
Ch 5 Mother Nature
Ch 6 Swans
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