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Poetry Designs

A Poem

Sit in the dark wood
Listen to it creep
Between the fingers of the branches
Out the wooden deep.
It has a heart, but no blood
No eyes, no name
No one ever calls it
It is not tame.
Words are windows to its soul
It walks with steady beat
Wearing baubles that ring and chime
Make no move to greet
For like a dream, it must come to you
It knows where you sit - do not dare to whisper
For you may startle it
Into retreat.
Like fluorescent creatures
In weird seas
Curious how it sparkles
With such electricity.
Flitting betwixt the leaves - ululating soft
In the shadows of the umbra
Fear it not.
Light no candle
Extend no flame
For light devours a shadow
As reality a game.
Think it is unique - its heart, its little soul
As complex as a snowflake - and lo! Behold!
Make no sudden move, do not reach
Or like this verse
It may melt to nothing in your hand.
Do not seek with your eyes
- Feeble scopes!
Only with your imagination
For it alone will magnify.
It is here!
It has arrived!
What delight!
What surprise!
Jangling soft, the creature comes
Stealthy, through the night
Do not flee
Do not freeze
Do not fright
It comes just like this poem
It *is* this poem
Through the branches of the forest
In the darkness
Of the night...
...Sit in the dark wood
Listen to it creep
Between the fingers of the branches
Out the wooden deep.

##Riddle Poem##
Ch 1 Bubbles
Ch 2 Asylum
Modus Tollens